Tuesday 11 July 2017

Pro-Liberty, Not Anti-State

Libertarians argue against the state in favour of private corporations.

Yet they also talk about freedom of speech and the individual.

But there is no constitution governing Twitter, who can ban anyone for any reason.

Ironically, it is the right who often claim Twitter is censoring them. Then they continue to argue in favour of the rights of corporations to discriminate. Because forcing a baker to bake a cake for a gay wedding is "authoritarian".

When private corporations can discriminate arbitrarily, it is the individual that suffers.

Private land is essentially a fascist state, where the owner can ban anyone from doing anything.

Try preaching veganism in a McDonald's. You'll quickly be removed by private security.

Sometimes, the government needs to legislate in favour of freedom. The link between the private sector and freedom makes no sense.

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